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Github Actions

A reference / registry for actions that are frequently used within the reusable workflows or that I am otherwise super dependent on or contribute to.

Status indicators

  • 💚 - Active and maintained
  • ⚠️ - Likely still works but not actively maintained
  • - Retired or no longer works

📦 Containers

erzz/dockle-actionLint container images with Dockle for best practices and basic security issues💚
mr-smithers-excellent/docker-build-pushThe best action for building images with automatic tagging and more💚

📈 Metrics

erzz/google-dep-metricsPing deployment metrics at Google Cloud Monitoring from your workflow⚠️
erzz/sigfx-dep-metricsPing deployment metrics at SigFX from your workflow⚠️

📓 Documentation

erzz/commit-plantuml-actionGenerates .png files from .puml files and commits them to the repository💚
erzz/inframap-actionGenerate and commit infrastructure diagram based on Terraform plan or State💚

🔎 SCA / Code Quality

erzz/codeclimate-standaloneRun CodeClimate checks against your repo without a Code Climate account💚